

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

SWAN Day 2014

So, I know no one looks at this blog...but JUST IN CASE...I wanted to establish that I'm not really a visual artist anymore...or rather, I'm not trying to be a professional visual artist. I have continued to be involved in music and have been very happy with doing so...so that's what's going on. So what?!

One thing I am really excited about is being a part of Swan Day CT 2014. My band, Dancy, made the bill. Dan (my partner) won't be able to make the show, but the guys in Labor of Giants have got my back and it's going to be a great show! We've been practicing and preparing, and there will be more news to come...but I'm sure it's apparent that I don't update this blog very often, so if you read this, and you're fascinated, which I'm sure you are, you should follow the Swan Day CT facebook page. Who uses this many commas? I mean, really, WHO?

...and that is why you keep coming back

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